Daccord Press is a small press publisher of 21st century's writers who are writing eBooks and Audible books to reach the many readers who eager to hear new voices in all fiction genres and non-fiction topics. OUR WRITERS bring meaning to the world we live in, we are among the many voices that represent a diverse global world to tell the story about who we are, when you read our work you know why our voices can make a difference to the lives of those who cannot speak.
The Ghostly and Paradise Taxi, is a three Book series celebrating a second chance to find eternity with those we love. A GOING HOME - BOOK 2 is a prescient love story of two lovers who are meant for each other. The recounting begins in BOOK 1 when Clarissa Max chases away her Marlboro Man, Roger Garret, in life. Eternal love defies all rational explanation, And regrets for a forty plus year marriage to the friend of the man she can't forgive, or forget, call for another option. Instead of death, Clarissa Max chooses to become a Ghostly, which is a form of living in-between the world of the living and the dead. The magical illusions include, awaiting the immortal spirits at the séances held at the Paris townhouse of the host, a Ghostly Victor Hugo, that some call France's greatest writer, with his majordomo Maubert, formerly the writer Alexandre Dumas, where a window of past moments commence to find a Playwright's solution to solve the Paradise Taxi dilemma.
Our debut author CL Bee is a former freelance writer who worked overseas and was based in Paris, France. Now she's back in the USA and writing the fiction she didn't publish during those years when she was freelancing.
When this Kindle eBook was published in January of 2022 by Daccord Press, the Kirkus Editorial review praised this book as "...an interexsting creative concept" and noted this book was about "...remarkable people living remarkable lives..."
CL Bee's 1st Kindle eBook, THE GHOSTLY AND PARADISE TAXI - Book 1, received two 5* ratings, we are proud of her work and are looking forward to Book 2 of this 3 book GHOSTLY AND PARADISE TAXI series with plots of entangling developments that take all the characters to where they don't expect to go in unexpected ways.
In Book 1, solving the puzzle of Paradise Taxi leads the reader into a multi-time window of uncertainties with an unintended results plot featuring two women looking for a second chance. The Ghostly Max, who is stuck in-between the world of the living and the dead recounts a past rememberance of a Russian winter, and Clarissa Max arrives in Paris expecting a different life after 5 years of regretting a perfect romance gone awry, yet her former lover is in Paris, too, and he wants to reclaim her, but she isn't sure she can forgive him.
Clarissa Max is unawares of the Paris townhouse, now a museum where the man some say is France's greatest writer is memorialized, is where the Ghostly Victor Hugo aided by his majordomo, Maubert, the former Alexandre Dumas, stage séances to gather the Spirits of the dead. And when the Spirits of of the dead from Citrusville warn of future problems that will seperate the two lovers who are meant for each other, the Ghostly Max finds a way to communicate electronically, although nothing can stave off the reckoning.
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Cynthia Lynn's KINDLE eBook FINANCIAL REFERENCE published on July 30, 2021 CURRENT Amazon sales ranking is 109,209 in KINDLE 'REFERENCE" books and is available exclusively on all amazon.com sites worldwide.